

毛沢東の「四つの敵」のなかに入っていない日本がいつの間にか習近平の「唯一の敵」となってしまった。 in 1972, Chairman Mao Zedong gave a personal thank you to the Japanese Prime Minister telling him he didn't have to say sorry because the Japanese invasion actually helped the CCP beat the Nationalists. yes, Chairman Mao actually thanked Japan for invading China. 毛沢東首席は田中角栄総理に日本は中国から国民党を一掃し共産党政権の樹立に尽力してくれたので、謝罪の必要なく、むしろ中国は日本に感謝するべきだと述べた。

China Celebrates 70th Anniversary of Big, Fat Lie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vQG2OSWlMM  8:39 a photo of Mao Zedong with the Japanese Prime Minister Mr Tanaka and Mao saying to Japan, there' no need to apologize because of you, we were able to defeat Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist (Party).
PLA in the Bering Strait
http://www.marino.ne.jp/~rendaico/kakuei/phirosophy_higekisei.htm  毛沢東―角栄首脳会談の秘話

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/07/blog-post_8701.html  アルプス電気会長、中国工員に囲まれる について