WHAT TO EAT: YAKINIKU 福岡のおすすめ焼き肉「極味や」を紹介!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpMXHECFQZ0 0;22 one pothole in particular made for a miserable morning for many (commuters) along I-95. たった一つの道路の穴ぼこが国道95号線の通勤客の朝を悲惨なものにした。
After A Long Winter, Potholes Make For A Rough Ride
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gfayEnW9RU 1:02 trams to and from Swiss and German towns have even increased their trips making for a sweet deal for Swiss shoppers. スイスからの買い物客にとって、スイスとドイツを結ぶローカル電車の本数が増えたことは爆買いのチャンスが増えたことだ。
As the Swiss franc soars -- bargain hunting in Germany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tluaarbb0bE 0:31 these bears make for their local watering hole. 冬眠から覚めた三匹の熊は狩場へと向かう。
How Much Salmon Can a Kodiak Bear Devour?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/01/we-made-toward-him.html we made toward him. 注;make toward = make for