
接続詞の that について

いくつか例を挙げておきます。14:57 what do you know that the 4th richest man in the world doesn't know? 世界で四番目の金持ちが知らなくてあなたが知っていることとはなんですか?

Head to Head - Inequality: Are the rich cashing in?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWC7jJAwoWY  0:46 what did you know then that others didn't? 当時、他の誰も知らなくてあなた一人が知っていたこととは何ですか?
Russia's economy sliding into a recession
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF363QOyzgc  0:14 what is number 1 advantage you have right now that you didn't have on Friday?
PayPal CEO Sees More Tech Partnerships
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43PSfXguXKM  3:37 What do you think you're doing that they are not doing? あなたに出来ていて、他の候補者が出来ていないこととはなんだと思いますか?
Donald Trump Talks Being the Front Runner of the GOP Presidential Race