Russian Jets Buzz USS Donald Cook - 12 Apr 2016 0:44 I think it's definitely firing a shot over the competition's bow. ロブローの投資計画は競合相手にたいして威嚇作用がある。
Grocery store growth 3:19 that sent a warning shot across the bows of TV Asashi. 菅内閣官房長官が「報ステ」での古賀氏の発言は放送法違反と指摘したことは、テレ朝の重役たちに対しての厳重注意といえる。
Japan: Politics, power and the press - The Listening Post (Feature) 0:30 tonight Beijiing is firing a rhetorical shot across the bow. after a US destroyer sailed right through waters claimed by China.
US Sends Destroyer to South China Sea—Is War Next? | China Uncensored 1:33 I think the visa charges are really a shot across the bow for Lady Gaga, Madonna and other international performers who are thinking about taking up the gay rights agenda. ロシア当局が同性愛是認する発言をするアーチストたちのビザ問題をとりあげるのはいわば、警告だろう。
Lady Gaga and Madonna May Face Legal Action in Russia
参考リンク 船についての豆知識 1:323 the US would do the same thing,,,,, 私の意見とまったく同じ事を専門家が言っている、と言うよりもちょっと考えればすぐにわかること。
Black Sea face-off | Video released of Russian fighter jet flying close to American destroyer
a-4173 the real shot across the bow at
a-5042 shots across the bow
b-1852 a warning shot across our bow
b-7081 a shot across our bow