
In existence 現存する

8:36 this is the oldest Japanese vending machine in existence. これが現存する日本最古の自動販売機です。

[Begin Japanology] Season 5 EP38 : Vending Machines 2012-11-22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR3Z4p5hspI  3:04 He is quite simply, the only surviving member of his race, the only Pinta Island Giant Tortoise in existence.
The loneliest animal on the planet - BBC Animals
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-YrYU7w_6s  0:08 this wonderful stone is the largest diamond known, largest diamond in existence. これは現存する最大のダイヤです。
Massive 1,1089 carat diamond unveiled
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_-w09g4NLU  2:49 even though the DB10 was custom made for Spectre. there are only 10 in existence.
Driving one of only ten Aston Martin DB10s made for Spectre

a-7546 in existence