
rift 仲違い、裂け目

rift には岩の裂け目、不仲な関係という意味がある。1:12 we don't believe the split will lead to an intergang rift as quickly as before. ヤクザの分裂がすぐさまヤクザ間の抗争に発展するとは思っていない。

Hard times for Japan's yakuza gangsters
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ekwntNPdg  2:17 if Ecuador does give asylum to Julian Assange, analysts say, it is likely to cause a serious rift in diplomatic relations between Britain and Ecuador.
Ecuador Mulls Giving Julian Assange Asylum
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI1LMVr0_gs  3:54 it's just going to galvanize the support of Trump. and that it will deepen the already cavernous rift that exists in the Republican Party. ロムニー氏のトランプ攻撃はむしろトランプ氏の足固めとなり、共和党内にくすぶる不協和音を拡大する行為になる。
Romney's anti-Trump gamble
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5DIObxwpRk  2:17 the couple says they have no regrets but the familiar rifts run deep.
Teacher Leaves Family for Student: Mom, Tammy, Confronts James Hooker, Jordan Powers on 'Dr. Phil'

a-7555 the rift
b-0192 the family rift
b-2719 a rift
b-3466 widen the rift