
私がすすめる医学英語 2018/03/24

anorexiaは拒食症、bulimiaは過食症。 1:22 is it true that you'd rather starve to death than look like your sister? yes, that is true. I've said that I've gone through many battles of anorexia and bulimia because I didn't want to look like her. 自分の妹のようになるよりは餓死したほうがマシって言ったのは本当ですか?ハイ、本当です。妹のように太りたくなかったので、私は拒食症や過食症と何度も戦いました。

The Tragedy That Motivated One Woman to Lose Weight | Where Are They Now | Oprah Winfrey Network

b-2336 the bulimia