Gen. McCaffrey: President Trump Is A Serious Threat To National Security | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
0:44 so he would have a lot of sway or influence over this investigation.
Senator Steps Up To Fight Trump Stooge
1:34 that argument holds little sway with animal rights groups who say cockfighting is outdated and inhumane. 闘鶏は伝統文化とする内務大臣のコメントは闘鶏を動物虐待ととらえる動物愛護団体にはまったくアピールしなかった。
Feathers fly over Thailand's lucrative cockfighting pits
3:58 speaking of which, Bullock, along with her base salary of 10 to 20 million dollars per movie, has enough sway in Hollywood to demand a portion of the box office intake. 映画界での成功といえば、サンドラ・ブロックは一映画あたり一千万ドルから二千万ドル稼ぐが、彼女クラスになれば映画の興行収入の何パーセントかを要求できる影響力がある。
Top 10 Actors Who Command Big Salaries
3;50 it's clear now that the Chinese regime has pretty much no sway over the North Korean regime.
China Sends Troops After North Korea Assassination | China Uncensored
0:30 the significant side-to-side swaying 顕著な横揺れ
Japan Earthquake Scary Footage 9.0 buildings Swaying
a-9489 holds sway over
b-1011 held the most sway
b-1223 hold sway over
b-1650 hold sway
b-4533 has so much sway over