
devil incarnate 悪魔の化身

devil incarnate は悪魔の化身のこと。0:16 I heard that you're actually the devil incarnate and I wanted to meet you. 皆があなたのことを悪魔の化身というので、かねてからお会いしたいとおもっていた。

ames Mattis Jokes To John Bolton: 'I Heard You’re Actually The Devil Incarnate' | TIME

4:19 you have any thoughts on Steve Bannon? yes, he's the devil incarnate. トランプの首席戦略官のバノン氏をどう思いますか?人間の顔をした悪魔だね。

Between this vegan cafe and a ‘Trump’ cafe in Texas, a political chasm

0;18 Lucifer in the flesh 悪の権化

Boehner calls Cruz 'Lucifer in the flesh'

2:33 and the way he talked to me, I felt like I was talking to Satan himself.

Man, girlfriend allegedly behind murder-for-hire plot to kill their exes: Part 2

b-1441 devils incarnate