
workings 仕組み

workings には機能、仕組みなどの意味がある。複数名詞。 0:44 look at the complicated workings of this typewriter. このタイプライターの複雑な仕組みをご覧ください。

Tom Hanks Changes the Ribbon on a Typewriter | Secret Talent Theatre | Vanity Fair

0:43 if someone has been abusive in a prior relationship, it's likely that it's part of his or her internal workings. and that's what you do in relationships. トランプ政権の高官は前妻二人に対して暴力を振るったことで辞任したが、妻に手を上げるような夫は、そのような性格なのだから、また結婚しても同じことを繰り返す。

Trump Aide Hope Hicks Warned About Former White House Advisor Rob Porter

1:25 as eclipses became easier to predict and science education became more prevalent, we stopped fearing the eclipse, began to celebrate it as a glimpse into the workings of our solar system. 太陽系の仕組み

How did people view solar eclipses in the past?

3:11 once the meal has been completely swallowed, the inner workings of the snake's body change greatly. 獲物を丸呑みしたヘビは、内蔵の機能を上げ代謝率を大幅に変化させる。

Attenborough in high quality | Fully Grown Python eating a Deer | BBC Earth

0:11 although they still call themselves Communist, the inner workings of the Chinese government are mystery to many.

How Does China's Government Work?

1:04 scientists brave molten lava to understand the inner workings of volcanoes.

How Geologists Collect Lava Samples From Volcanoes

b-3573 the inner workings