American Graffiti (9/10) Movie CLIP - Wolfman Jack (1973) HD
0:59 it'd be great to see all of these characters get a proper send-off in the show's final eight episodes whether (they play major roles) or (simply make guest appearances). 主役であってもゲスト役であっても、最終回までの八話でこのキャラクターたちにきちんとした終わり方をさせれれば素晴らしい。
Top 10 Things We Need in House of Cards' Final Season
0:29 Camille will be grilled about her husband's "sexual proclivities" and whether or not she ever procured drugs for him. = whether (she ever procured drugs for him) or (she did not procure drugs for him). コスビーの妻のカミールさんは夫の性的嗜好や夫のために薬物を購入したことがあるのかないのかについて、調査を受けます。
Bill Cosby's Wife Will Reveal at Deposition If She 'Procured Drugs for Him'