
truer words were never spoken まさしくその通り

truer words were never spoken, never a truer word spoken は Never has a truer word been spoken (than that). それ以上の真実は語られたことがない。つまり、今あなたの言ったことは正鵠を得ている、まさしくその通りだ。not truer, no truer, never truer などの組み合わせがある。 0;02 nothing is going to make you feel worse about your body than the swim suits that they make. truer words were never spoken. ありきたりの水着を着ることほど自分の体に劣等感を抱くことはない。ぴったし カン・カン。

Moms Admit The Truth About Woes Of Swimsuit Shopping

3;07 I'm just not the right kind of woman for you, Q. truer words were never spoken. 私はあなたにふさわしい女じゃないのよ。そうよ、その女はあなたにふさわしくないわ。

Janeway and Q

0:14 as the President said just earlier today most Republicans were loyal, terrific and worked really hard. and there are no truer words. 共和党員はオバマケア廃止に向けてよくやってくれたと先ほど大統領がおっしゃったが、それ以上、的を得た表現はない。

Mike Pence Issues Warning After Senate Health Bill Failure: 'Inaction Is Not An Option' | NBC News

0:02 summer days in the Midwest where the life of the community revolved around outdoor pools. for 6 generations, nowhere was that truer than in Portsmouth, Ohio. 屋外プールは地元の人たちの社交の場だった。オハイオ州ポーツマスほど、そうであった地域は他になかった。

Why Portsmouth, Ohio Became The Epicentre of America's Opioid Crisis

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2018/04/you-can-say-that-again.html  you can say that again まったくその通り

a-6205 never truer than