
you can say that again まったくその通り

you can say that again その通り!はどこの参考書にも載っている簡単なイディオム。 0;23 wow, kissed the ground. I would do the same thing too after that. good job there guys. you can say that again. 地べたにキスしましたよ。私だってあの着陸の後だったら、地べたにキスしますよ。お見事でした。本当にお見事!

Pilot Kisses the Ground After Terrifying Emergency Landing

0:14 this is the most unusual sort of postman and you can say that again. 牛乳を配達する郵便配達はかなり珍しい。本当にその通りです。

Water Postman (1964)

0:43 ... and it was being pretty aggressive. you can say that again! かなり強気なガラガラヘビでした。まったくその通り!

Watch Rattlesnake Slither Onto Boat Causing Quite the Scare

14:10 I think it is a little above and beyond. you can say that again. この親子を私の家に泊めてクリスマス明けにここに連れ帰ってくるのは職務専念義務を超えていますよ。おっしゃる通りだわ。

On The 2nd Day Of Christmas Full Movie Mark Ruffalo # 1.

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/01/truer-words-were-never-spoken.html  truer words were never spoken まさしくその通り

a-9252 you could say that again
b-2038 you can say that again
b-5160 you can say that again