
pucker up 口をすぼめる

梅干などのすっぱいものを食べる時やキスする時に口をすぼめる、pucker up という。2:10 pucker up ああ、すっぱ

MIX: Hero Dog Gets Surgery

0:38 hachiya, on the other hand, super soft and squishy to be ripe. they're very soft and gooey and yummy sugary sweet on the inside. but you do have to wait till they're super squishy otherwise you'll get that puckery lip kind of action going on. (渋柿の)蜂屋柿は富有柿と違い十分に熟してから食べないと、渋みで唇をすぼめることになります。

Pucker Up For Persimmons

2;01 it's got a little bit of sweetness and a little bit of mouth puckering drying tannin. このサイダーにはほのかな甘みと思わず口をすぼめたくなるタンニンの渋みがあります。

Turning Apples into Hard Cider

6:45 by the way, kiss the ring means something different in England, doesn't it? I was told that means something different in England. is that not true? I think historically you used to, the Prime Minister who would have to have tear with the King every week, once a week, would have to end that tea time by puckering up and kissing the King on his exposed asshole. 英国では内閣総理大臣が国王とお茶をした後に、口をすぼめて国王のケツの穴にブチューとやるのが慣わしだった。

John Oliver Warns Meghan Markle What She's Getting Herself Into

2:36 now, pucker up and kiss it. whoville

Scenes That Nearly Pushed Actors To Quit

a-8860 pucker up
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