Jake Tapper - SNL
0:38 in a separate incident, these two men are accused of breaking into more than a handful of homes. ハリケーンにまぎれて悪さを働く者どもがいるが、この二人は多くの住宅で押し込み強盗を働いたとして御用になった。
Brazen Burglars Loot Foot Locker In The Middle Of Hurricane Irma: Cops
0;07 Cops in Ramapo, New York say this man broke into a house wearing a bathrobe and slippers. この男はバスガウンとサンダル履きで人の家に忍び込んだ。
Comfy Burglar Broke Into Home Wearing Bathrobe and Slippers: Cops
2:17 don't ever break into my house again. 二度と勝手に人に家に上がりこまないで頂戴。
You`ve got a Bloody Cheek! (Bond breaks in M`s apartment) [James Bond Semi Essentials]
2:15 you broke into the wrong house. 忍び込む家を間違えたようね。
Breaking In Trailer #1 (2018) | Movieclips Trailers
a-6540 breaking into