
slave to something 従属する

slave to something, slave of something は何かの奴隷だが、何かの支配下にあるの意味。2:20 we are now slaves to the world engine. われわれはワールドエンジンの影響下に置かれました。

Man of Steel - start terraforming ship [Rus sub]

0:45 I'm not a slave to continuity. 番組の一貫性を保つことを強要されているわけではないが、、、視聴者の皆さんは椅子が変わったのに気がついています。

Graham Norton Has a Chair Malfunction - The Graham Norton Show on BBC America

6:35 I don't want to be that person that looks back and just says that I've just worked and become a slave to the system. 人生を振り返って、ただ働いただけ、社会の仕組みの奴隷だったと、いう人にはなりたくない。

Raising Young Children at Sea

8:37 she manipulates the officers pursuing her for a murder and gets them wrapped around her little finger until they're either dead or a slave to her desires.

Top 10 Greatest Female Movie Villains of All Time

1:12 he really was a slave to the work. 彼は仕事に取り憑かれてた。

Kutcher Brings 'JOBS' to the Big Apple

1:24 I felt like I was in slavery to it, I was slave to my ex. I was slave to this, you know, idea that my mother wanted us to all be together and for me to have kids so young and to do all of that. 若かった私は、何かの奴隷かと思っていた。別れた夫の意のままだったし、お母さんの考え方にも感化されていた。

Why does the US have so many child brides? - BBC News

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