
growl うなる

growl 犬などがうなること。うなり声。 0:49 start growling うなりはじめる

Wolf-Dogs Help Veterans Cope With PTSD

1:37 he'll like growl and bite and complain and everything else.

Celebrity SONDRA LOCKE and her pets at PET WISHES by VERONA

0;21 she would just tremble and growl. ふるえてうなり声をあげる。

Depressed Pitbull Refuses to Move for Days Until 7-Year-Old Boy Arrives

2:04 only small growls and grunts could be heard from the animal. 熊から聞こえたのはかすかなうなりやうめき声だった。

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http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/03/blog-post_72.html  吠えるを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/02/howling-wind.html  howling wind ビュービュー吹く風

b-2723 growled at the aide