
in the order of およそ、だいたい

in the order of, of the order of, on the order of = about, approximately, およそ、だいたい
0:17 I should think it would be in the order of about 75%. 紫外線が肌年齢に及ぼす割合は大体75%だと思う。

How bad is sun damage for skin? - The Truth About Looking Good - BBC One

0;45 the rate of these interactions whether it be two plates moving towards each other (or) moving away from each other or sliding side by side is only in the order of magnitude that our fingernails grow. プレートテクトニクスにおける二つのプレートの速度は(中略)だいたい、爪が伸びるような速度で進行している。

Recent earthquakes come from Seismic Gap

2:24 Hershey Chocolate, when they announced their closer in 2007 somewhere in the order of 500 - 600 people were affected.

Inside the Cannabis Factory | The New York Times