

6:06 I am looking for something that I don't know what it is yet. maybe it's me. I need one detail for a window that is almost complete. in this particular window I am creating a picture. like a scene from a play. a play in the theatre. ... so we have two young ladies in the garden. one of them is tending looking out like this, her hand shading her eyes as if she's waiting for someone. the other is seated looking down at something in her lap. and that something,,,, that (4 words) is the focus of the whole picture. 自分のショーウインドウには舞台のシーンのように仕上げたいんだが、そこには二人の娘さんがいて一人は遠くを眺めていて、もう一人は自分の膝の上にある何かに視線を落としている。その「えも言われぬ何か」が私のショーウインドウのメインテーマなのさ。