2;02 for the Chinese, a chef is like a doctor and every meal is considered Preventive Medicine (preventative medicine と言っていますが、これは間違いです。)here nearly every item is believed to have a specific effect on the body. for Chinese believe that what you eat is what you treat. so if you eat a pig's brain then you treat a human's brain. 中国人は料理人を医者のように考え、食事はすなわち予防医療だ。ある食べ物は体の特定部分に作用し、また違う食べものは違う部分に作用すると言う具合にだ。中国は医食同源だから、豚の脳みそを食べればヒトの脳に効果があると考えている。 0:41 it was the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who famously said 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.'
Chinese Restaurants Caught Putting Opium Powder in Food | China Uncensored