Jack Ma - On 60 Minutes CBS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqHaCWCbC2s 8:32 in exchange for this service, you would have the entire South Wing. あなた方のこの家での仕事と引き換えに、この家の南半分を住居として提供します。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIM3M5qmAT8 1:42 everywhere you go with that dog, you are going to make sure you give them things that they like in exchange for having interactions, sometimes at a distance to begin, with people that previously made them uncomfortable, made them growl. このご褒美バックに入っているおやつと引き換えにワンちゃんたちが以前吼えた人間と徐々に仲良くするようにしつけ直します。
b-3204 in exchange for
b-3697 in exchange for
b-3921 in exchange for