
high-wire act について

high-wire act はしたのビデオでわかるように、難度が高く、極めて危険な行為といえる。よい子は真似をするべきではない

High Wire Act from Kooza | Best of Cirque du Soleil
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM2_qithq2s  0:07 he headed back onto the high-wire blindfolded. 今度は目隠しをして綱渡りに挑んだ。
High-wire act in the Windy City | Journal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLLFNmTVmpQ  1;04 it's like a high-wire act of virtuoso craftsmanship. チタン細工は匠の名人技のようだ。
Titanium - Metal Of The Gods
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQcwNWqfMxY  0:44 nuclear power production is kind of a high-wire act.  
Industry 'Experts' Cash in on Japan

0:43 the negotiations that they're conducting, whether it's on trade or things like North Korea, are usually a personal high-wire act with no safety net. and that's no way to run a country. 貿易問題や北朝鮮問題など、今ホワイトハウスがやっている交渉は、トランプ個人の命綱と安全ネットなしの危ない綱渡りだ。そのような国の治め方をするべきではない。

Pete Buttgieg Fires Back at Trump's Rally Insults | NowThis