
thrall 虜(とりこ)

thrall心を操られた虜、僕(しもべ)くらいの意味だが、in the thrall of, have/keep/hold in thrall, in thrall to という言い方がよく使われる。動詞は enthrall 。 1:10 she must have preferred traveling with him. and he felt more at home, if you will, on the road when his wife was with him. I mean, here's a loving wife whose whole life was devoted to her husband and her husband's well-being. I don't know how this woman existed when he was in the thrall of Alzheimer's. 夫がアルツハイマー病に冒されて、ナンシー・レーガン元米大統領夫人はどのような生活を強いられていたのかはまるで想像ができない。

Inside Nancy and Ronald Reagan's Private World | EXCLUSIVE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz-Yw0c7cF0  6:29 you watching this at home, worship me. I command you "become my willing thralls and live eternally." この番組を見ている人間どもよ。われを称えよ!われの虜となり永遠の命を給え。
The People's Court - Saturday Night Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chw6La8PKv8  2:30 gold's magic continues to keep us in its thrall. 金の魅力は人間を虜にしてやまない。
Top 5 Facts about Gold
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr-JcqfYG2E  2:15 yet gold magic continues to keep us in its thrall.
shocking documentary the secret of gold trading
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiIk91Ar7FI  表題 Spain enthralled as rich duchess marries her toyboy

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/03/blog-post_13.html  恋の奴隷を英語で何と言うか?

a-9071 had in his thrall