
hold your own

hold one's own は(自分の力や立場など)持ちこたえる、守り抜く、十分な技量があるという意味です。 1:38 with hundreds of thousands of bottles produced per year, the Warenghem Distillery also holds its own. 世界でスコッチウイスキーが毎年何十万本も製造されるなかで、フランスのヴァレンヘム蒸留所も生産を堅持している。

French whisky makers take on the competition
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebkD2g74uco  3:25 this young lad we thought to be a delivery boy has actually begun to fight. and amazingly enough he's hold his own. パシリと思っていた少年がセルと戦い始めました。そして少年はセルを相手に一歩も引きません。。
DBZ Gohan vs cell full fight (english dubbed) READ DESCRIPTION
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqpUCfb7F3g  0:42 I didn't have a formal training. but I'd like think that I can hold my own. ちゃんとした修行は積んでないけど、人並みのことは出来ると思っている。
Gordon Served ‘Too Much Lobster’!? - Kitchen Nightmares
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmsFaKP0CT0  0:19 when it comes to sausage, the tri-state can certainly hold its own. ソーセージに関してはtri-stateはどの州にも負けないと言っている。
Sausage Festival
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDxynPdhm3Q  3:26 the stingray typically relaxed, can hold its own. and even do serious damage with its sharp spear-esque tail.エイは凶暴には見えないが、強く出るときは槍のような尻尾で相手に致命傷を負わす。
Top 10 Most Dangerous Sea Creatures

a-8864 hold its own
b-3215 holds his own
b-6905 hold her own 注;hold your own (against somebody)