

catch in the act はありふれた言い方ですが、よくお目にかかります。 3:59 and you figure that maybe I can stop him before he does something nasty to Sammy or his stunt show. exactly! or better still, catching him in the act. だから、ブレークの奴がサミーに危害を加える前に俺になんとかしろというのだろ?大正解!でも出来たら現場を取り押さえて欲しいね。

Knight Rider - Season 1 Episode 5 | NBC Classics
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh2uJfkwaRw  2:32 when you suspect your husband of cheating, you might go to great length to catch him in the act. 自分の夫が不貞を働いていると感じたら、何が何でも現場を押さえることです。
Top 10 Movie Cheaters and Adulterers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPqFFCD-aFI  1:03 our team is catching more sex offenders in the act. 鉄道警察隊は多くの痴漢を現行犯逮捕しています。
Subway Sex Crimes Up

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/07/blog-post_4813.html  現場を押さえられるを英語でなんと言うか?

a-4505 catch bad guys in the act
a-5547 get caught in the act
a-8910 caught in the act of