
veiled threat ちょっとした脅し

veiled ヴェールをまとった の代表的な使い方は veiled threat 遠まわしな脅し、軽い脅し、 だと思う。0:43 Trump has faced plenty of criticism this week for firing FBI director James Comey contradicting his own administration about why, and for tweeting a veiled threat to Comey about possible audio recordings of their conversations. トランプはFBI長官を解任し、さらに暗に脅しをほのめかしたツイートで追い討ちをかけたことついてさまざまな批判を浴びている。

Trump moves forward from Comey firing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs5-RQMT0YA  0:21 I perceived it as a veiled threat. トランプの発言は脅迫じみていた。
Megyn Kelly says she’s gotten DEATH THREATS because of Trump feud [FULL INTERVIEW]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjHvXNSNm2c  0:59 there are also veiled threats to the University. この大学には脅迫めいたたメッセージが届いている。
University of Moncton faces backlash over sexually explicit emails

a-6811 a thinly veiled threat
a-9242 a very thinly veiled attempt
b-0606 a veiled threat
b-1717 a barely veiled threat
b-2517 veil
b-3955 a veiled warning