
医学英語 2017/07/22

brain tumor 脳腫瘍 のなかでも meningioma 髄膜腫 は脳を包んでいる髄膜という膜から発生する良性腫瘍。脳そのものにできる腫瘍ではない。meningiomameninx (meninges) (髄膜)+ oma (腫瘍)が語源。1:31 he said, I'm so sorry I have to tell you this because I know you're going through a lot with your mom, but you have a brain tumor. it's called a meningioma. and you need to schedule an appointment with a neurosurgeon right away.脳腫瘍が悪化した母親の看病で大変なあなたには申し訳ないのだが、あなたにも脳腫瘍が見つかった。髄膜腫と言うやつですぐに神経外科医と相談したほうがいい。

Maria Menounos Opens Up About Her Brain Tumor Diagnosis, Mom’s Cancer | TODAY

0;33 what she had is called meningioma. a slow-growing tumor that forms on the membranes covering brain and spinal cord. it occurs more often in middle-aged women and is usually not cancerous. 注;what she had is called meningioma. の部分で what she had is called a meningioma. が無いのに気づいた読者がいる筈だ。要するに a はあればいいがなくても致命傷にはならない、とおぼえておこう。

Maria Menounos Reveals Risky Surgery To Remove Brain Tumor | NBC Nightly News

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2017/05/20170511-b.html  私がすすめる医学英語 2017/05/11-b