drunk as a skunk, drunk as a lord、ベロンベロンに酔っ払う、へべれけになる、は面白い言い方です。ナントカ as ナントカ の公式は意外に多い。鋭い人は 形容詞 as 名詞 が見えるはずだ。slippery as an eel, tough as nails, cute as a button, dumb as a rock, high as a kite, crazy as a loon, easy as pie, plain as day, hard as a rock, sure as shit 、、、。探せばいくらでもあるだろう。
0:55 the superstar is inviting granny Geraldine and her grandson to the premiere of her new movie 'Rough Night.' that's fitting since Geraldine admits she took the photo when she was 'drunk as a skunk' at a Conway Twitty concert in Tulsa. スカーレット・ヨハンソンは自分にそっくりのおばあさんとその孫を新作映画'Rough Night'の発表会に招待しています。これは奇遇です。というのもジェラルディンさんがこの写真を撮ったのはコンサートでへべれけになったときだったからです。
This 72-Year-Old Grandmother Looks Just Like Scarlett Johansson in Old Photo
4:15 you reporters would go nuts if you knew the true story. he was as drunk as a skunk. 副大統領が誤って弁護士を撃って重症を負わせた一件についての真実を君たちレポーターが知ったら驚くだろう。奴は酩酊状態だったのさ。
Steve Bridges - As George W. Bush with George W. Bush!