
stick a fork in something

stick a fork in something は肉が中まで焼けたかどうかを見るためにフォークで突っついてみることで、物事が完全に終わってしまった時のたとえとして使われる。0:01 stick a fork in me. I'm done. stick a fork what? like when you're cooking a steak. okay, I don't eat meat. well, then how do you know vegetables are done? well, you don't. you eat them and you can tell. okay, then eat me, I'm done! 注;オチの部分はもちろん大人のユーモアになります。


5:58 if Shayna had any thoughts that this invitation for steak and asparagus meant to turn for the better, she was about to learn Ryan was ready to stick a fork in the relationship once and for all. この晩餐が二人の関係修復のためと思っていたシャーナは、ライアンがこの機会にきっぱりと二人の関係を清算する腹であることを知ってしまう。

Woman Tells 911 She Shot, Killed Own Boyfriend

1;07 I think he's done. put a fork in him. he is done. トランプの挽回はもう無いですよ。奴はもうお終い

GOP Strategist: Put a fork in Trump, 'he's done...

0;34 stick a fork in (him). Trump has no path to victory. トランプはもう駄目ですね。奴に勝ち目は無いですよ 。

New Poll of Polls: Clinton widens lead