
it's a hoot.

hoot はホーというフクロウの鳴声だが、be a hoot のような使われ方をすることもある。it's a hoot. she's a hoot. (サザエさんは愉快だね。)のような使われ方はよく耳にする。いくつかの例を挙げておくので完全にマスターすることをおすすめする。 0:25 you like being called the 'Bun Lady'? I do. it's a hoot.

How One Woman Created a $100 Million Company with only $587

0:26 she was very eccentric. she had pet monkeys. she was like the first woman Ferrari car driver. and she was a hoot apparently.

Elettra Wiedemann: Model Talk

0:45 so to me, it's a hoot.

Mary Hart 'so thrilled' over Lifetime Achievement Award

6:21 it was a hoot, you know?

Kate McKinnon: I Had A ‘Sense Of Sisterhood’ With Hillary Clinton On ‘SNL’ | TODAY

2:26 ... as long as it was directed at me. they were fine with it. they thought it was a hoot.

Obama mocks Trump steaks, wine

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2017/07/hoot.html  hoot フクロウの鳴声
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2017/07/give-hoot.html  give a hoot

a-8410 it's been a hoot
b-3821 she's a hoot