
higher-up お上(かみ)

higher-up はお偉いさん、上司、社長、、、、大統領、、、何とでも解釈できる。5:18 there are some higher-ups in the intelligence community who would argue, you know, you are a low-level analyst, there's no way you could've known the outcome that would have been. あなたのようなヒラのアナリストが機密情報をバラすことによってどのような結果になるのかわかるわけがない、と考える上層部の人たちもいます。

Chelsea Manning says she didn't think her leaks would threaten national security

1:20 this whole process, including building a sarcophagus and other tomb things, was pretty expensive. so it was usually reserved for the higher-ups or wealthy. エジプトの石棺、陵墓建設は莫大な予算が必要だったので、高貴な人間、裕福な人たちだけのものだった。

How Does Mummification Work?

1:05 it was created by the higher-ups. 組織の上層部のよって作られた。

Miami's 'stop and frisk' claims of racial profiling

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2017/07/the-powers-that-be.html  the powers that be 権力者、支配者

b-0159 diets the higher-ups forced her onto