
Rapunzel ラプンツェル

Rapunzel は塔に囚われの身となった長い髪の少女の名。後にお姫様となる。一応、Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair. ラプンツェル、ラプンツェル、お前の長い髪をおろしておくれ。 のセリフを知らない人はいないのでおぼえておこう。、、、Rapunzel は長い髪の代名詞であることを頭に入れておけばいい。0:04 Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair.

Let Down Your Hair

1;15 hey Rapunzel, you have 5 seconds to move your hair before i cut it off. おいそこのロン毛、五秒以内にどかねぇと、切るぜ。

Is this the most annoying thing you can do on a plane?

0;04 meet real-life Rapunzel Tere Lynn Svetlecich Russell who's hair is an incredible 74 inches long.

The Rapunzel Family

0:43 she's a real-life Rapunzel.

Real-Life Rapunzel Reveals Secret to Her 64-Inch Long Hair

0:32 this hair is my 6-metre-long Rapunzel wig.

I've Spent £10,000 To Look Like A Porcelain Doll | HOOKED ON THE LOOK

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/01/let-hair-down.html  let hair down