Dang, That Pedophile Rode In On A Horse?
1:30 if I remember right, he said something to the effect that didn't ever come back to Texas. 私の記憶に間違いがなければ、かれはもう二度とテキサスには戻って来たくないとの旨のことを言ってました。
A Death Row Inmate's Last Words
1:05 I've already commented on that. I've seen no evidence to that effect. トランプ大統領の虚偽の主張についてはコメント済み。トランプ大統領の主張を裏付ける証拠は見当たらない。
Democrats Rebuke Trump for Unsubstantiated Election Claims
3:54 but people have actually started taking chameleons and letting them go into patch of woods behind their house or something to that effect. カメレオンを自分のうちの裏の林やそれの似たような場所に放し飼いにする人たちが出て来た。
The Illegal and Secretive World of Chameleon Ranching | National Geographic
b-2894 something to that effect