U.S. Flexes Naval Muscle Near North Korea
2:20 it's not a matter of if but when we go to war: North Korea's brand new chilling warning as the U.S. Air Force makes a show of force over the Korean Peninsula. 戦争は起こるか起きないかではなく、いつ起きるかの問題だ。北朝鮮は新たな脅しをかける一方、米軍は戦略爆撃機2機を朝鮮半島上空で飛行させ、軍事力を誇示した。
Breaking News North Korea- Advanced Weapon U.S. Military Prepare To Use Against N.Korea
2:02 if there is a nuclear test, the likely US response will be a tough statement and perhaps a show of force. もし北朝鮮が新たな核実験に踏み切れば、アメリカは北朝鮮により厳しい経済制裁を科し、圧倒的な軍事力を誇示するだろう。
North Korea Crisis: What Will Kim Jong Un And Pres. Donald Trump Do? | NBC Nightly News
0:07 Spain sees their presence in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar as a deliberate show of force. スペインは英海軍の艦船が英国領ジブラルタル沖合に出現したことを武力による威嚇行為だと受け止めている。
EU warns Spain over Gibraltar tax
a-8363 show of political force
b-6770 the show of force