Birth of the Slacker | Generation X
3;28 remember a few weeks ago that the tape broke, where Governor Romeny was saying that 47% of Americans are slackers. all right, they're not cutting it as Clint Eastwood would say you're not cutting it. all right. well, he was off about 27%. about 20% of us are slackers. 数週間前、大統領候補のロムニー氏がプライベートな会合の席でアメリカの若者の47%が非正規雇用だと述べていたビデオが暴露されました。クリント・イーストウッドの言う「この出来損ない野郎!」のように、うまく行かない若者が47%いるのです。ただし彼の主張は27%ずれていて、本当の非正規雇用の若者は20%です。
John Stewart - Bill O'Reilly Take Down : THE DEBATE!
2:57 there's a group of kids who don't have much energy so they prefer to live off their parents instead. the older generation calls them freeters which pretty much translates to slackers in English. 無気力で正規の職につかず親元で暮らす若者をフリーターと呼びますが、これは英語のスラッカーに対応します。
Inside The Lives Of The Rich Kids Of Japan