
median 中央分離帯

0:17 watch as a red truck riding along the median of a busy highway knocks over light poles. 交通量の多い高速道路の中央分離帯に乗り上げた一台の車がポールをなぎ倒す様子をご覧ください。

Truck Driver Knocks Over 2 Poles on Highway After Losing Control

0;29 when it slammed into that center pedestrian median, the impact knocked out Simon unconscious and then took the 73-year-old's life. CBSテレビの看板ニュース番組「60ミニッツ」で長年、花形記者だったボブ・サイモン氏(73歳)は、乗っていた車が中央分離帯に衝突、その弾みで意識を失い、帰らぬ人となった。

Revered TV Newsman Bob Simon Killed In Car Crash

1;00 he hits the side of the rail and clips the car in the opposite side of the road and finally smashing through the wired fence and spinning out into the grassy median. 芝生が張られた中央分離帯

Social Wire: Don't Text While Driving

0:22 I had to swerve into the median, umm, it was a little grass area, to avoid hitting her. 前に割り込んできた彼女の車にぶつからないように芝生が張られた中央分離帯に自分の車をかわさざるを得ませんでした。

Woman Attacked By Mom, Daughter In Road Rage Incident: 'They Were So Mad'

0:48 the pilot came in at almost 100MPH, touched down on the pavement and immediately steered over to the median to avoid hitting cars. 小型機は時速100マイルでつっこんできましたが、車道に着地するや否や、他の車にぶつからないように中央分離帯に舵を切りました。

Plane crash-lands on busy highway

a-5909 the median
a-6748 the median