

0:30 mind the gap please. mind the gap please. 電車とホームの間が広く開いておりますので、足元にご注意ください。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7W1aNVeaOE  1:20 after a brief celebration, the other passengers boarded again with a good excuse to be a little bit late for work. the train left just 15 minutes behind schedule. no doubt next time the ill-fated traveler will take some English advice and mind the gap. 注;英国式の注意となっている。

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/11/all-aboard.html  all aboard 出発進行

a-748 mind the gap
a-2537 minding the gap
a-3760 mind your head
a-6644 watch the gap