

玄関に出るはanswer the door です。 1:51 just before the noon, after Williams failed to answer the door, his assistance grew concerned. 昼になってもロビン・ウィリアムズさんが玄関に出てこないので、ウィリアムズさんの付き人は心配になってきた。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRQeFAgOfmA  0:26 71-year-old woman answered the door, the young men pushed their way in and tied up the woman before confronting her brother with a gun. おばあさんがドアと開けると若い四人組みが押し入って来て、おばあさんを縛り上げて弟に拳銃を突きつけた。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtSoO-3oUpI  1:53 nobody answered the door when we went inside. 私たちがお邪魔したところ、誰も玄関に出て来ませんでした。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQtDkMTQ5l4  25:33 I want you to answer the door.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMNmObh8KZ0  4:41 her daughter answered the door. トニーの娘さんが応対してくれた。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7PbviyeDlc  2:02 as certain she won't answer her door to a stranger again.
Distraction burglaries hit Polk, Sarasota

a-3257 answer the door
b-1043 answer the door
b-2351 you get the door