
call off

call off には中止、キャンセルするという意味があります。0:10 his house arrest (is) called off. ドミニク・ストロス=カーン氏の自宅軟禁は解かれた。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0l-GvcyYQE&feature=feedu  0:33 Hugh Hefner says his fiancée has called off the wedding. PLAYBOY誌のヒュー・ヘフナーさんは若い婚約者が自分との結婚を止めたとコメントした。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9QoBrJDcYE  0;47 the rescue effort has been called off after an air and land search failed to find any sign of the man.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKO9-mKquxM  0;40 Sony initially called (off) the film 'The Interview' but then decided to release it on Christmas Day. ソニーピクチャーズは当初、映画の封切りを中止したが、クリスマスの日に封切ることに決定した。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbR1AvolmXM  1;03:30 I think I called off my wedding.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzuRibYpy84  49:20 I don't want to call it off. 君との結婚を止めたくは無いよ。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTFNXyxCjbI  0:39 the search for his body (is) now called off. 陥没した地中に埋まったジェフ君の捜索は打ち切られた。

a-1117 called off
a-5646 has called off