

much-needed は一語とも取れるし、ハイフン抜きで二語とも取れる。切実に必要なくらいの意味。1;09 much-needed parts and gadgets 切実なニーズのある部品や装置

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BddTn2HqIzA  1:10 June was one of the driest months on record in many parts of the country, depriving corn stocks of much-needed water during pollination.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILub2D-YFPY  1:22 international economic sanctions have been eased and much-needed investment is expected to flow in.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNW_vtRomSM  3:19 the cooling mist of one of the city's tallest fountains provided much-needed relief.

0:50 eating healthy meals full of vegetables and fruits provides much-needed vitamins and nutrients to your diet. ダイエットに欠かせないビタミンや栄養

How not to get sick | How to Adult | The Washington Post

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il42iCMHxVc  0;46 he reveals much coveted secrets. 注;こちらも2語でも通じるし、much-coveted のように一語にもなれる。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVb09Muk8Qk  1:20 yes, I've got a coveted copy. 誰もが欲しがっている今週号を手に入れました。

b-2185 a much-needed resupply