
there is a first time for everything

there is a first time for everything. なんにしても最初はある。 ここで一つ注意しておきたいことは a first time です。必然的に a second time, a third time と続きます。56:57 there's a first time for everything. 初体験は誰にでもあるからな、仕方ないか。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BC2GMPyXno  29:52 there's a first time for everything.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFjaJbihWwc  1:53 字幕 there's a first time... 2:04 for everything.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVcH_1ST91E  6;29 getting married a fourth time 四度目の結婚
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brkBY8-bAJE  0:46 a second time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WATn7PMOTLo  10:34 I don't think that the global financial markets are going to fall for that a second time. 世界の金融市場は連邦準備制度の嘘に二度と引っかかりはしないと思う。

a-2339 a third time
a-3999 a first
a-4686 a second time
a-5243 a second time
a-8250 A second time
b-1026 there's a first time for everything
b-1964 a first
b-2091 a second time
b-2742 there's a first time for everything
b-3161 an 11th time
b-6819 there is a first time for everything