Emotionally Compromised - Star Trek (6/9) Movie CLIP (2009) HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9Bad9ceAPY 7:38 visa options that allow you to live in Japan for a long time, pay taxes just like a regular Japanese citizen, and do all those things without having to relinquish your own identity or citizenship and marry yourself to a new country. 別に帰化などしなくて長期ビザ滞在をすれば税金はばっちり払うけど、自分の国籍を捨てたりせずに日本に滞在できる。
日本帰化しようと思わない理由 Why I don't want Japanese Citizenship
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRniDBBDxFs 2;00 Mr Obama seems willing to give up some of that power, but so far he has relinquished nothing. オバマは権力の一部を譲渡するかの構えを見せていたが、そのような譲渡は及んでいない。
The Limits of Presidential Power - Syria War 2013
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF5ajMN3Nro 1:49 yet he refused to relinquish power. 人民がカダフィ大佐に辞職を求め蜂起したが、カダフィは権力を放棄を拒否した。
Moamer Kadhafi, killed after 42 years in power
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPIeSq5pL3I 0:03... until a racey video surfaced and forced her to relinquish her crown. 米ミスコン優勝者はポルノ出演の過去がバレて王冠を返還するはめになった。
a-5885 relinquishing
b-6783 relinquished control of
b-6847 relinquishing your entire identity