
shell shock

shell shock とは PTSD のことです。 shell は砲弾の意味。0:40 just look at him today. he looked shell-shocked. 心神喪失状態。

U.S. Student Gets 15 Years Hard Labor in N. Korea for Trying to Steal Poster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0bOR0XlTok  0:01 you tell somebody it's gonna be $150. and he'll be shell-shocked. たまげるだろうね。
Customers coping with skyrocketing drug costs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLV4yAyzpnQ  0:23 historic temple reduced to rubble. people shell-shocked as they walk around the destruction. 放心状態
Queens Residents Hold Vigil For Victims Of Nepal Earthquake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVgNO1aokjY  3:52 Oscar Pistorius who denied murder looked shell-shocked as he left court.
Oscar Pistorius trial: 'Your version is a lie' says prosecutor | Channel 4 News