It's Finally Time to Cut Off that Weiner 0:20 hey Amanda. remember that time you danced with me at the sock hop? I never told you, but I had the hugest boner. この前のダンスで君と踊ったとき、ムスコが超デカくなったよ。
Can't Hardly Wait (6/8) Movie CLIP - Amanda's Single (1998) HD 6:19 if you want to make sure the Ads she no doubt was paid a lot of money for actually air on television. then having her wear lingerie while riding a mechanical bull in a stated attempt to induce boners may not have been a good idea. カイリー・ミノーグがごっそり稼いだのはテレビで放映されている下着の宣伝で、ロデオマシンに乗っかって世の殿方を奮い立たせようとした宣伝はちょっとやりすぎだった。
Top 10 Sexy Banned Commercials
参考リンク ドジを踏むを英語でなんと言うか? morning wood