Gary Johnson: 'What Is Aleppo?' 2:18 President Obama for his part took GOP politicians to task. 民主党のオバマ大統領はトランプを大統領候補に指名している共和党議員たちを厳しく非難した。
Trump's Fitness for the Job Takes Jabs From the Right 17:20 and Donald Trump made the same point but of course the media took him to task and then immediately Donald Trump changed gears. トランプもアメリカの膨大な借金を指摘したが、マスコミに叩かれるや否や奴は方向転換して、借金なんかドルをいくらでも刷れば返せるとうそぶいた。
May Jobs Report Takes June Rate Hike Off The Table 0:32 the New York tabloids never known for holding back took him to task. ニューヨークの文化をけなすかのような発言をしたクルーズ議員を率直な物言いのニューヨークのタブロイド紙は一刀両断にした。
Anthony Weiner: Donald Trump Is A 'Phony' | MSNBC 0:09 it takes a brave soul to try and take President Hu Jintao to task. 胡錦涛主席を批判するには相当な度胸が要る。
Chinese President Hu Jintao heckled by protester in Hong Kong 1:26 ten of them (were) brought to task. 10人の官僚が処罰された。
China court upholds Bo Xilai's life sentence 11:49 Passaro remains the only interrogator connected to the CIA ever brought to task in the American court. 行き過ぎた尋問で捕虜を殺してしまった例はかなりあるが裁判にかけられて有罪判決を受けた尋問官はパッサロ氏ただ一人となっている。
a-3902 took him to task
a-4348 took drug companies to task
a-4444 took feminists to task
a-4488 took her to task
a-6661 took Boris Johnson to task
a-8022 took her to task
a-9313 take everybody to task
b-0310 taken to task
b-1396 was taken to task
b-1551 taking the President to task
b-4821 taking Gigi Hadid and her modeling agency IMG to taks