
not having it

not having it は受け入れない、信じないくらいの意味。常に進行形。4:41 the scenario; a son introduces his plus-size girlfriend to his parents. and they aren't having it. シナリオは、息子が太った女性を両親に紹介する場面で、両親は反対する設定。

Plus-size model speaks out after confronting body-shamer on a flight

0:32 we asked some folks in the local restaurant for their views on a potential name change. most people weren't having it. この町の名前の新しい命名について、町の食堂で聞いてみると、ほとんどが反対意見だった。

A New Name for Eggs and Bacon Bay?

0:44 he would do just about anything to get his mom's attention, and she is not having it. エベレストちゃんは母親の気を引くために茶目っ気をだすが、ママは一向に気にしない。

Zoo Animals Look Cute in Winter Snow

0:19 she swore and flipped him off. the judge, as you can imagine, was not having it. ぺネロープさんは判事に向かって中指を突き立て悪態をついた。この判事はもちろん腹を立てた。

Woman Jailed Over F-Bomb in Florida Court

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/05/blog-post_4924.html  拒否するを英語でなんと言うか?

a-4786 not having that
a-5050 not having any of it
a-9167 not having it
a-9792 not having it
b-0633 not having it
b-1062 not having it
b-1919 wasn't having it