
eunuch 宦官(かんがん)

eunuch は宦官。4;37 I think it's so cowardly. it's like they all turned into eunuchs. 共和党の議員たちはトランプの陰口は言うが本人に面と向かっては何も言わない、それは卑怯な振る舞いだ。まるで去勢されて闘志を失ってしまった家来のようだ。

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5:47 many eunuchs from the palace used to know him. 紫禁城の宦官たちはうちのオヤジの屋台によく食べにきたよ。そしてうちのオヤジのレシピを宮中に広めたのさ。

From famine to feast: Street food Beijing

4:35 Cai Lun was a court eunuch serving under Emperor He of Han. inspired by bees and wasps chewing up plant fibers to make their nests, he invented what would become the modern process for making paper. 蔡 倫(さい りん)は後漢の宦官で和帝に仕え、蜂やスズメバチが植物繊維を噛み砕いて巣を作るのを見て、初期の製紙法を考案した。

How Paper is Made | China Uncensored