
taut ピンと張った

taut は小説によく出てくるなんでもない単語。ピンと張った, 弛みのない、の意味。taught と同じ発音。6:05 why does the fabric need to be taut? 磨き布をピンと張るのはなぜですか?

How to Shine Shoes with Yuya Hasegawa of Brift H

1:22 a taut new tummy. 引き締まったお腹

Mom Shocked To See Daughter After She Got Liposuction for Thanksgiving

4:20 you need to make sure you keep the string nice and taut. 糸を緩みなく張らせ

Lets Go Round Again - Life Hacks for Drawing Circles

a-9918 sticky taut vertical lines
b-0768 keep the lines taut