Where Are They Now? 'Growing Pains' Cast Reunites on 'Good Morning America' (10.05.11)
0:03 you've heard people say, it's just like riding a bike, meaning it's really easy and you can't forget how to do it, right? 自転車に乗るようなものだと言う言い方を聞いたことがあると思います。これは簡単で一度おぼえたらやり方を忘れられないの意味です、そうですね?
The Backwards Brain Bicycle - Smarter Every Day 133
0:54 it's like riding a bike. you get back up there. you never forget. あの舞台に立つことは、自転車に乗るようなものさ。忘れられるものじゃないよ。
Jeopardy’ showdown set to decide best of the best
https://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/01/elephant-never-forgets.html elephant never forgets ゾウは決して忘れない