
awash with, awash in

awash は、awash with something / awash in something(何かであふれかえっている)とおぼえておくと便利です。0:28 the world is awash in oil. 世界中には原油が溢れかえっている。

Is $20 the next stop for oil?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0psa_7VYVU  1;03 they are awash with worthless investments, loans that are never going to be repaid, and repossessed homes. スペインの銀行は大量の焦げ付いたローン、差し押さえ物件を抱え込んでいる。
Spanish bank bailout plan spooks markets
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BSV7bMCe2M  9:53 British TV is awash with period dramas. イギリスのテレビ番組はどこを見ても時代劇で溢れかえっている。
Top 10 BBC Shows
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Sqen57lFk  0:40 Canada's four diesel-electric submarines remain awash in cotrovesy.
Mending Canada's submarine fleet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTZzx0N19QM  0:36 as high-tech homes become even more popular with those awash with cash, this show-home is being built in London to demonstrate how intelligent a house can be. 金持ち
Hi-tech home of future unveiled in London

a-6440 awash in red ink
a-7090 awash in
a-7154 awash with
a-7665 is awash with anger
a-8075 awash with
a-9688 awash with banks
b-3548 awash with cash
b-3559 awash in